Wednesday, February 3, 2010

women are "Entering the Quiet"

This year marks our 11th "Entering the Quiet" retreat at Hope Springs. Every winter, a group of women gather for a weekend to simply be silent, to rest, to renew in the midst of a mindful, loving community. Each year brings women new to retreat experience, as well as those of us for whom this particular retreat has become an essential part of our self-nourishment.

It is remarkable that even though we drop the activity of conversation for the weekend, the group quickly & naturally becomes a community ~ that being silent actually fosters a truly authentic connection amongst the group even as we individually move more deeply into our own being.

The freedom to BE however we wish during the weekend is a refreshing change from our busy (and often over-scheduled) lives. Of course, the beloved land and fabulous food that Hope Springs provides the perfect container for each of us to truly renew ourselves. And being in this retreat during the winter, when many of us find ourselves more introspective, feels deeply connected to the cycle of Nature herself.

We still have some space for a few more women to join us ~ February 19-21. Register at